UPAYA HUKUM PENYELESAIAN KREDIT MACET : Kasus BPR BKK Kecamatan Sumbang, Kabupaten Banyumas

Suryati ,


This research aims to know the way solving the repreship toward PD BPR BKK judicially,
Sumbang District, Banyumas Regency. To reach the aim, normative approach is needed, while
the research specification is juridically. The research is done in PD BPR BKK Sumbang
District, Banyumas Regency. The data got which is analiyzed is normative qualitative. The
research result shows that the repreship in PD BPR BKK Sumbang district, Banyumas Regency
is done either SECARA LIGITASI or NON LIGITASI. NON LIGITASI is done through
negotiation. In the negotiation process, the settlement of the dispute can be done: the way to
save the credit peacefully by reschedulling (reschedulling, regulation, and rearrangement),
even in the stagnant case, the bank omits the credit from the bookkeeping. The settlement
through LIGITASI can be done by claim or execution through auction process based on Akte
Pembebanan Hak Tanggungan (APHT).
Key words: Repreship toward

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