Mifbakhuddin .


Objective: To knew the influence of the thickness of active carbon on the decline in the hardness of the water artetis well. Method:The kind of researchused here was pure experiment (true eksperiment) with non random experimental design or non randomized pretest – posttest control group design. The thickness of the filter used in this research which was aimed toreduce the hardness of water were 60 cm, 70 cm, and 80 cm with nine times repetition. The number of the samples was 40 samples, in with 9 samples before the treatment. The independenvariable in this research was the variety of the thickness of active carbon used, while the dependent variable was the decline of the hardness and the controlvariable were the pH and temperature. Statistical analysis used the varian test, which was analysis of varian (ANOVA), the data ware abnormally distributed so that the kruskal - willis test was applied. Result: The Percentages of the decline in the hardness of the water of  artetis well after passing the active carbon filter with different thickness were in general of 59% for the 60 cm thick, 74% for the 70 cmthick, and 86% for the 80 cm thick. The most effective thickness in reducing the hardness of the water of ertetis well was 80 cm thick. The result of kruskal –willis test showed that the scorr sig(α) 0,000 which meant less than the score (α)0,05. It meant that there was a difference between the decline of the hardness of the water of artetis well which was significant after passing the active carbon filter and before passing the active carbon filter.: There was a meaningful influence of the decline of the water of artetis well. The decline of the highest hardness of meant that the average proportion of decline was 86%.


Keywords: The Hardness,The hardness of active carbon, the decline of the hardness.

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