Setia Asyanti dan Lusi Nuryanti


Asthma management is important to enhance the quality of life for people who life with it.  For children with asthma, the management involve the children and their parents. Child management involve the efforts to prevent and manage the symptoms, at home or at school. Meanwhile, for parents, management involve preventive behavior, symptoms management, and decision making about the symptoms in children daily life. For optimal result, the sinergy between parents and the child needed in asthma management, in which good communication between children and parents is urgent.  The aim of this research is to find the relationship between children-parents communication and asthma management by children and parents. Subjects are many elementary students from three schools in Yogyakarta and two schools in Surakarta. Children and their parents ask to response many sentences in Asthma Management Scale and Children-Parents Communication Scale. From 49 pairs subjects only 36 scales fullfilled completely and these data was analysed using product-moment technique.          The result of this research is there is no relation between children-parents communication and children asthma management, r = -1.33  (p > 0.05).  The second analysis also prove that there is no relation between children-parents communication and children asthma management, r = 0.52 (p > 0.05). This result is different with many prior researches, so must be follows by deeper or other researches to find the reasons.


keywords :  children-parents communication, parents asthma management

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