Harsono ,


The research is aimed to describe the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning
management in two public junior highschools in Surakarta. The specific objectives of the
research are to describe: (1) the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning
materials; (2) the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning plan; (3) the local
content of bahasa Daerah learning coordination; (4) the characteristics of local content of
bahasa Daerah learning instruction; and (5) the characteristics of local content of bahasa
Daerah learning control in two public junior highschools in Surakarta.Based on its type, the
research is categorized as descriptive qualitativewith single case study. It is said as a single case
study for the focus of theresearch is the same case although the research is administered in two
different schools, namely the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning
management in two schools with the same characteristics that are located in Surakarta. The
approach employed in the research is ethnographic alone with the location of schools in
Surakarta. The data collecting method is done using observation, indepth interview, and
document. The data analysis is undertaken using cross sites model analysis with orderly
descriptivematrices from Miles and Huberman (2004). In this model, the sites are separated from
the highest to the lowest ones based on the most important variables.The research concludes that:
(1) the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning materials in SMP Negeri 6
Surakarta and SMP Negeri 21 Surakarta refer to the materials constructed by Musyawarah Guru
Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) of Bahasa Daerah in Surakarta that is constructed inaccordance with
the basic competence and competence standard of language teaching as stated in the curriculum;
(2) The learning plan is undertaken inreferrence to the main tasks of the teachers based on SK
Mendikbud No.025/O/1995; (3) the coordination of the local content of bahasa Daerah
learningis done through MGMP of local content of bahasa Daerah; (4) the characteristicsof local
content of bahasa Daerah learning instruction is done through the following steps: (a) classroom
learning instruction; (b) the learning strategy employed; and (c) the media and learning sources
utility; and (5) the characteristics of local content of bahasa Daerah learning control in school is
done by the teacher and the principal.
Keywords: Learning, management, local content, Bahasa Daerah, junior highschool.

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